Global BPO Outsourcing to

Conectys provides core business services including content moderation and customer experience across 600 agents in Lisbon

Core benefits

Access to talents

With more than more than 80 000 higher education graduates each year Portugal has become a perfect spot to open nearshore offices for many global brands. Favourable climate and a thriving multicultural community attract many talents to relocate.


Portugal’s geographic location at the crossroads of Europe, Africa, and the Americas facilitates international business operations and offers a bridge to multiple markets. It has the same time zone as the UK and Ireland.

Language coverage

Portugal is a multilingual country, with over 10 languages spoken in the country. Portugal ranked 12th place in the English Proficiency Index 2019 and stands among the top countries with better language skills.

Industry focus

Broad scope of IT & Cloud Services, addr essing market needs from traditional IT, hybrid and cloud managed environments. Portugal is ranked 19 out of a pool of 138 countries by the Global Competitiveness index report 2018 in quality of infrastructures, such as roads, telecommunications and internet access.

Portugal site

Our office combines modern facilities with a focus on health, making work productive and supportive. 

35+ languages coverage













…and many more!

Our services

Elevate your brand’s global presence with Conectys’ bespoke Customer Experience (CX) and Trust & Safety solutions, tailored for seamless international expansion. 

CXM And Contact Center

Leveraging outsourced CXM and contact center solutions for seamless international expansion and in-house quality.

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Digital CX

Elevating global digital customer experiences through Conectys’ automation and advanced AI technology, streamlining CX processes.

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L1-L3 Technical Support

Scale complex support outsourcing for global companies with help desk and service desk services, providing industry-tailored solutions

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Content Moderation

Secure your brand’s reputation and protect your audience with Conectys’ comprehensive content moderation outsourcing.

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Data Labeling & Annotation

Harness AI’s potential for data labeling services in over 100 languages, offering unparalleled content annotation, tagging, and scripting.

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Let’s connect!

Let’s talk about your
outsourcing case! 
