Pizza with the CEO? Why this Matters to Employee Job Satisfaction and our Internal Strategy
Recommendation of strategies to enhance job satisfaction in your company Think about all the frustrations that can come with hiring, managing, and retaining a group of people (your team members). “…”
Do you Need AI Products? Here’s How Humans are Supporting Tech-Driven Processes, and Not the Other Way Around
Artificial intelligence (A.I.). Natural language processing (NLP). Machine Learning. Chatbots. You can’t read the news without hearing about a new application for these tech tools, and none of us can “…”
Give Us Your Partnership, We’ll Give You Brand Ambassadors
Does the following scenario sound familiar? You’ve grown your business with all your heart, energy, and resources. You’ve handpicked your team, and intentionally established a company culture you’re proud of. “…”
Why Choosing a BPO Partner Based on Cost Reduction will Steer you Wrong
If you’re new to the world of outsourcing, you might be at square one, wondering: “what is BPO?” Or if you’ve dabbled with an outsourcing engagement in the past, you “…”
As we’ve Expanded around the Globe, Here’s how we’ve Retained our Strong Organizational Culture
If you’ve been keeping up with all we’ve been doing at Conectys, you’ve probably heard about how we’ve helped our clients grow notably – and how we have too. We’re “…”
The Operations Manager’s Guide to a Successful BPO Relationship
When you’re in the role of an Operations Manager, it can feel like you have responsibilities coming out of your ears. So when the time comes to begin outsourcing some “…”
The Healthcare Company’s Guide to Combatting Seasonality Challenges
Through working with an array of clients across a spectrum of industries, we know all too well that every type of business deals with some seasonality in its sales. But “…”
CSAT and NPS: We’ve Used these Tools to Drive Customer Loyalty, and Can Do the Same For You
No matter what type of business you’re in, there’s no doubt that measuring your customers’ satisfaction is a key to improving and keeping those customers. But it can be hard “…”
Consistency between your Brick and Mortar Store and E-Commerce Channels
If you’re the CEO of a quickly scaling company in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, you probably know quite a few secrets to business success. But if you’ve reached a point “…”
Resolving Customer Complatins: How to Do It? Examples
Luxurious hotels. Sunny, lush grounds. Five-star restaurants with highly acclaimed chefs. So often, this is what comes to mind when someone thinks of the hospitality industry. And a lot of “…”