The four types of BPO & contact center providers
The four types of BPO & contact center providers What are the four types of BPO + contact center providers? Hundreds of call center vendors claim to provide superior customer “…”
The race to be more digital
The core element of modern business is a race to be more digital — the term is often “digital transformation.” This all looks different depending on the size of your “…”
Call and contact center metrics that matter
Data is the new oil We keep hearing that and saying that in business circles. The biggest companies in the world these days certainly have maximized their use of data “…”
The rise of the on-demand economy and what it means for outsourcing
Back in 2015, The Wall Street Journal did a nice deep dive on “the on-demand economy,” which essentially refers to companies like Amazon, Uber, et al. You can get what you want — a “…”
Some of Conectys’ 2020 accomplishments
The big focal point of the year, in both society and business, was obviously COVID. In order to explain some of our accomplishments in 2020, we thought we’d do a “…”
Is there a disconnect around customer experience?
“The mystery” of customer experience Good post on customer experience mystery at Customer Think recently, citing some of these statistics: In the same vein, Forrester recently released a report aimed at customer “…”
Four ways that contact centers are changing in 2021 and beyond
We started this sequence last week with a post on the connotations of “contact center” vs. “call center” and the ways that they’re changing, and now we want to go more in-depth “…”
Bring the call center into the future
Does the term “call center” have a negative connotation? In many ways, absolutely. Customers think of call centers and they often think of long wait times, people that can’t answer “…”
The BPO market might grow $76B between 2020 and 2024
That’s based on findings and research from Technavio (full report available for download here). The $76B USD figure represents a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7% over the next “…”