The Changing Face of a BPO Partner
If you asked someone years ago for an outsourcing definition, you’d probably hear something about cost reduction, capacity to meet staffing demands, and/or the implementation of necessary processes. The takeaway “…”
How the Internet Changed Customer Service
Three Major Changes and Two that will Shape the Future Tim Berners-Lee, an English computer scientist, wrote a proposal for a distributed information system, and, on March 12th, 1989, he “…”
Our Employees are Happier, so your Customers will be too
How to make employees happy in the workplace? One of the biggest concerns we hear from companies that are considering outsourcing their customer service to us is how it will “…”
Three Tips to Make your Call Center Produce Revenue, not Deplete It
For many industries, like hospitality and telecom, call centers are a given. There’s no way to meet customer demand without adequate agent staffing (and ample training for those agents). But “…”
Data Overload: Move on from Analysis Paralysis and Take Action
Many company leaders aren’t sure how to use data but know they need to. In a survey by Tech Pro Research, the majority of respondents said their companies are collecting data, “…”
The CEO’s Guide to a Rewarding BPO Relationship
So you’re the CEO of a rapidly growing company, and it’s pretty much your baby. You’ve likely invested your time, effort, ideas, money, blood, sweat and tears into the business “…”
The Hidden Worth of Outsourcing Awards
EOA Awards, NOA Awards, CEE Awards, Stevie Awards – the list could go on. The outsourcing world does not lack industry analysts and annual prizes. You might have even seen “…”
Pizza with the CEO? Why this Matters to Employee Job Satisfaction and our Internal Strategy
Recommendation of strategies to enhance job satisfaction in your company Think about all the frustrations that can come with hiring, managing, and retaining a group of people (your team members). “…”
Do you Need AI Products? Here’s How Humans are Supporting Tech-Driven Processes, and Not the Other Way Around
Artificial intelligence (A.I.). Natural language processing (NLP). Machine Learning. Chatbots. You can’t read the news without hearing about a new application for these tech tools, and none of us can “…”
Give Us Your Partnership, We’ll Give You Brand Ambassadors
Does the following scenario sound familiar? You’ve grown your business with all your heart, energy, and resources. You’ve handpicked your team, and intentionally established a company culture you’re proud of. “…”