Don’t Make These 3 Mistakes when Engaging with a BPO Partner
Are you considering working with a business process outsourcing (BPO) provider, but still weighing what you’ve heard about outsourcing pros and cons? We get it. There’s a lot of confusion “…”
5 Signs your Company’s Quality might be Slipping
As an Operations Manager, ‘quality’ might as well be your middle name. You spend your days working to increase the caliber of your brand’s presence, offerings, and customer experience. But “…”
5 Things You Didn’t Know About Having a Virtual Assistant
You’ve probably heard about virtual assistants or maybe have even used one yourself at some point. But did you know that what the term “virtual assistant” encompasses can differ greatly “…”
What is omni-channel and why should you care?
In the myriad of new marketing buzzwords that seem to pop up out of the blue every day, there are a few that might not be so annoyingly visible, but “…”
The Surprising Truths your Numbers Might be Trying to Tell you
As CEO, you have your hands on every single part of your company. Operations, sales, marketing, finances, HR — all of these departments ultimately bubble up to you. This can “…”
Telecom Companies: Improve your NPS Scores in 3 Steps
Whether you lead a communications company, technology company or telecom company – odds are good that customer satisfaction has been tricky for you. Don’t take it too personally; these are “…”
Outsourcing Myths vs. Facts
Did you know the global market size of outsourced services was valued at 88.9 billion dollars last year? The number of companies relying on business process outsourcing (BPO) is continuing “…”
3 Reasons Why Outsourcing Partnerships Fail
When they think of outsourcing partnerships, companies on both sides of the negotiations table envision strong, long-lasting bonds and business-enhancing strategic decisions. For the most part, the image stands true. “…”
The Consumerization of Healthcare: What Does It Mean?
Modern healthcare has gone through countless ebbs and flows throughout the last decade, but one of the trends that are making the most waves is the consumerization of the healthcare “…”
Outsourcing made easy – 5 Steps to Work from Home Success
Work from Home has been successfully implemented around the world with outcomes ranging from lower office costs to happier, more productive staff. Working from home and productivity It has been “…”