Conectys Selected as BPO Partner for One of the Largest Startups Globally; Expands Content Moderation Expertise

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[fusion_dropcap color=”” boxed=”no” boxed_radius=”” class=”” id=”” open_settings=”true”]C[/fusion_dropcap]onectys today announces its engagement with one of the largest creative content technology platforms in the world. The startup needed large-scale, global video, image and comment moderation services, and chose the BPO firm based on its deep experience with similar projects for blue chip travel and hospitality companies. Conectys’ specialization in multilingual capabilities was also a key attraction for the company, as were its culturally aligned talent across the globe.

Furthermore, the client needed to move fast and relied on Conectys to execute an innovative process for quality recruitment. The BPO firm’s flexibility and startup mindset achieved the customer’s goals and within less than two months of joining forces, Conectys launched the account in its Philippines offices.

We’re really pleased by how our content moderation services have expanded, and how they have brought stellar new clients our way, says Conectys’ CEO Arnold Cobbaert. “This partnership, in particular, is really exciting for us. We’re most proud of how quickly we completed the necessary transfer of knowledge, recruitment and implementation, alongside the client. The results have been very strong and the client couldn’t be happier.”


Conectys further customized its internal processes in order to accommodate the technology provider’s needs. The team optimized recruitment processes for a 24-hour turnaround per candidate in order to move quickly. They also developed specific candidate assessments, to secure the needed profiles for agents in terms of emotional resilience and critical thinking. From an operational standpoint, Conectys applied a rotation of its resources to best utilize internal talents for this implementation, as well.


As Conectys continues to grow rapidly, the content moderation operations launch in the Philippines and engagements with high-caliber global customers like this one are proving to be the norm.

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About Conectys

[fusion_dropcap boxed=”no” boxed_radius=”” class=”” id=”” color=”#25bfef”]C[/fusion_dropcap]onectys is a recognized leader in global multilingual and multicultural outsourcing services, providing specialized award-winning solutions that create significant competitive differentiation and brand value for global organizations. Conectys combines talented multilingual teams with effective quality processes that are driven by customer experience and proven technology to deliver new levels of service personalization and profitability. Conectys offers Multilingual Customer Service, Technical Support, User Generated Content Moderation and Network Operations Center services, from strategically chosen delivery locations, in over 35 languages, 24/7/365. All services are powered by Conectys’ Contact Center SaaS, ConectysOS®, an industry recognized Automation Project of the Year finalist. It is designed to bring value proposition to clients with standard features connecting quality monitoring, workforce management and real-time views, a robust CRM, with automated reporting and data analytics and customer insight for an all in one PCI DSS compliant Customer Management System.

[fusion_highlight color=”#ff3e2e” rounded=”no” class=”” id=””]Conectys has facilities in the U.S., Belgium, Romania, Taipei, Turkey, Poland, Portugal and the Philippines,[/fusion_highlight] providing a global footprint and international scale to high-tech, retail, telecommunications, finance, travel, hospitality, gaming and entertainment companies. Conectys is ISO 9001:2018 certified and PCI DSS Compliant. Conectys received a Silver Stevie® in 2017 for excellence in Customer Service and a Gold Stevie® in 2016. Conectys was also awarded Best BPO firm of the Year 2016 and 2014 at the CEE Awards and has been ranked a Top 10 Global Multilingual Outsourcing Vendor by leading analysts.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]