We’re thrilled to announce we’ve signed an engagement with one of the leading business review sites in the world. Conectys will deliver multilingual, outsourced content moderation across over three billion views per month.
The client’s accelerated growth over the past three years had exceeded the internal capacity to moderate their global communities safely and swiftly. It needed a strategic partner who could deliver high-quality moderation services at scale while maintaining cost optimization.
[fusion_highlight color=”” text_color=”” rounded=”no” class=”” id=””]In the evaluation process, Conectys stood out to this industry leader, in part because:[/fusion_highlight]
- Our Geographic value: We’re strategically-dispersed locations (Conectys currently has 10 global delivery locations + WfH capabilities)
- Our broader track record: We’ve deployed 1,200+ moderators in the past six years alone on similar projects.
- We’re multilingual and multicultural: Conectys provides client moderation services in 35+ languages.
- Our tailored solutions: We don’t operate with clients as “plug and play” or simply order-taking. We co-create and customize the moderation strategy; we become consultative partners.
- Our Scalability and flexibility: Our moderators are both on-site and work-from-home (currently 99.9% are WfH, although, within summer 2020, that will shift back to a mixed model).
- We’re platform agnostic: Conectys can work with your pre-existing tech and process
- Our process expertise: We offer custom training and quality programs; as a result, our retention numbers are frequently higher than competitors.
For this engagement, the recruitment, hiring, training, and operations will all be run from the Philippines. We’re proud to say we’re meeting all launch timelines despite the COVID-19 global pandemic.
At Conectys, we always look forward to serving new clients, expanding our global expertise, and securing success for organizations in multiple industries. We greatly look forward to this partnership.