BPO outsourcing hub in

Where The East Meets The West Affluent, educated, and passionate young professionals to drive your brand

Core benefits

Educated Population

Nearly a quarter of the population has a bachelors degree or higher (there are 58 universities in Istanbul alone) and the literacy rate is over 99.8%

Language fluency

85% of the Turkish population has C-Level language skills or better. Primarily we cover English, German, Arabic, French, Dutch, and Russian-Bulgarian from the Turkey call centers, but we can cover Romanian, Spanish, Italian, Kurdish, and more.

Self-confident society

Turkish applicants typically have a robust “Can Do!” attitude.

Employment-friendly legislation

The regulatory environment in numerous countries can change by the year; Turkey has long been employer- and productivity-friendly.

Turkey site

Our office combines modern facilities with a focus on health, making work productive and supportive. 

35+ languages coverage













…and many more!

Our services

Elevate your brand’s global presence with Conectys’ bespoke Customer Experience (CX) and Trust & Safety solutions, tailored for seamless international expansion. 

CXM And Contact Center

Leveraging outsourced CXM and contact center solutions for seamless international expansion and in-house quality.

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Digital CX

Elevating global digital customer experiences through Conectys’ automation and advanced AI technology, streamlining CX processes.

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L1-L3 Technical Support

Scale complex support outsourcing for global companies with help desk and service desk services, providing industry-tailored solutions

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Content Moderation

Secure your brand’s reputation and protect your audience with Conectys’ comprehensive content moderation outsourcing.

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Data Labeling & Annotation

Harness AI’s potential for data labeling services in over 100 languages, offering unparalleled content annotation, tagging, and scripting.

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Let’s connect!

Let’s talk about your
outsourcing case! 
