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Published On: October 29th, 2020|2.3 min read|

Our CEO, Arnold, just sent an email to some of our partners, associates, and potential future business partners. We wanted to excerpt the top of the email, because it showcases three important trends in contact centers, BPO, and outsourcing.

The entire outsourcing + contact center industry is changing, and we’re currently at the forefront of it in several important ways.

The expansion of digital: We are at the dawn of what some analysts call “The Fourth Industrial Revolution.” Technologies like Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotic Process Automation are no longer experimental or on the bleeding edge. They are slowly seeping into the mainstream of computing. The advantages are obvious. These technologies have the potential to decrease cost, reduce (human) error, increase agility, and flexibility to better absorb seasonality and other predictable and unpredictable work volume fluctuations. Conectys has a dedicated unit focusing solely on Digital.
The expansion of facilities: BPOs, contact centers, and outsourcing providers are trying to be flexible, strategic, and offer services at scale to their clients. Thankfully for Conectys, this has been our approach for over a decade and a half. We’ve doubled down on physical expansion in the past year, though; in July 2019, we sat at 1,500 headcounts, and today we’re just shy of 3,000. Additionally, we bolstered our facility in Poznan, expanded our Turkey location, and plan to open two new Philippines facilities in the next year. Our goal is to make sure clients’ needs are met all over the world, at all times, with a multilingual and strategic approach. By “strategic” in this context, we mean working with you to make sure what the agents are hearing is reaching your core product teams and working with you to co-create the most effective coverage schedules.
The shifting role of the contact center: We recently completed a deal with the European Commission to provide contact center services to European Union citizens in 24 languages; the contract will commence in Q1 of 2021. We will have more on this deal in coming newsletters, but as we were putting it together, one thing that kept emerging was that clients — be they governments or hyper-scale social media companies — want a different kind of contact center, one that is mobile-first, app-driven, flexible, has a strong tech stack and digital tools and has agents capable of working effectively from anywhere if need be, without sacrificing language or subject matter expertise. Contact centers are no longer order-taking offshore factories; they are rapidly emerging into their own as a central business unit that needs to be as technologically-advanced as any other part of the business. We keep building that at Conectys, with the appointment of a new CTO, the building of a new digital team (mentioned above), and more.

Does this track with what you’ve seen in the market?

Should you build your own chatbot?
technologyThe seven parts of digital transformation: An introduction
Three big shifts in the contact center industry

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