

Welcome to our company blog, dedicated to exploring the world of Customer Experience and Trust and Safety issues and insights.


Call and contact center metrics that matter

Data is the new oil We keep hearing that and saying that in business circles. The biggest companies in the world these days certainly have maximized their use of data -- both consumer-level and organizationally -- to excel financially and grow. Data is crucial, and everyone is looking for competitive advantages within it. It begs the question, then: in call and contact centers, what metrics tend to matter the [...]

February 10th, 2021|

Content Moderation Trends for 2021

Content moderation became a huge topic in the early days of 2021, especially around social platforms (i.e. Twitter) and their banning of certain public figures (i.e. then-U.S. President Trump). Entire episodes of podcasts were dedicated to content moderation, executives from some platform companies were called out, and some even stepped up to claim that “content moderation does not matter.” As a company that works with many global, hyper-scale brands [...]

January 27th, 2021|Tags: |

The rise of the on-demand economy and what it means for outsourcing

Back in 2015, The Wall Street Journal did a nice deep dive on “the on-demand economy,” which essentially refers to companies like Amazon, Uber, et al. You can get what you want -- a car, or a box of diapers -- relatively soon after you want it, be it three minutes or same day, hence the general term “on-demand.” A lot of the on-demand economy overlaps with “the gig economy,” because gig workers [...]

January 13th, 2021|

Some of Conectys’ 2020 accomplishments

The big focal point of the year, in both society and business, was obviously COVID. In order to explain some of our accomplishments in 2020, we thought we’d do a high-level look and then a specific section on COVID because the topic of the pandemic was so pervasive this year. A high-level look at what we accomplished in 2020 We broke the 3000 employee barrier, exceeding our targets for 2020 [...]

December 15th, 2020|

Is there a disconnect around customer experience?

“The mystery” of customer experience Good post on customer experience mystery at Customer Think recently, citing some of these statistics: According to Bain, 80% of CEOs believe they deliver superior customer experience while  8% of their customers agree. PatientPop shares that, while 42% of patients wanted to schedule their appointments online, only 17% of respondents actually had that option. Salesforce reported that only 37% of shoppers feel like retailers know them. [...]

December 2nd, 2020|Tags: |

Four ways that contact centers are changing in 2021 and beyond

We started this sequence last week with a post on the connotations of “contact center” vs. “call center” and the ways that they’re changing, and now we want to go more in-depth into some of those ways. Mobile-first and app-driven We know about the rise of mobile over the last decade or so -- more people on Earth currently have a mobile phone than have access to a running toilet -- [...]

November 19th, 2020|Tags: |

Bring the call center into the future

Does the term “call center” have a negative connotation? In many ways, absolutely. Customers think of call centers and they often think of long wait times, people that can’t answer their question directly, a significant journey to even find a human being to talk to, the chance that the person you reach won’t communicate well in your language, and more. On the call center agent side, call centers have [...]

November 12th, 2020|

The BPO market might grow $76B between 2020 and 2024

That’s based on findings and research from Technavio (full report available for download here). The $76B USD figure represents a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7% over the next four years. BPO industry growth - predictions Notable highlights from the report: The major business process outsourcing market growth came from the IT and telecommunication segments. The business process outsourcing market share growth by the IT and telecommunication segment [...]

November 4th, 2020|Tags: |

The seven parts of digital transformation: An introduction

So what exactly is digital transformation? In the most general sense, “digital transformation” means that you incorporate digital approaches into the full ecosystem of your business. Typically this is going to mean some mix of using the cloud, using data better, using an element of AI and machine learning, and more. It takes your processes from “manual and on-site” to “automated and from-anywhere.” It allows for a true omnichannel [...]

November 2nd, 2020|

Three big shifts in the contact center industry

Our CEO, Arnold, just sent an email to some of our partners, associates, and potential future business partners. We wanted to excerpt the top of the email, because it showcases three important trends in contact centers, BPO, and outsourcing. The entire outsourcing + contact center industry is changing, and we’re currently at the forefront of it in several important ways. The expansion of digital: We are at the dawn [...]

October 29th, 2020|

Company news

Over the years of being amongst the top providers of outsourced customer service and content moderation solutions, we have gathered many stories and insights.

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