

Welcome to our company blog, dedicated to exploring the world of Customer Experience and Trust and Safety issues and insights.


The Hidden Worth of Outsourcing Awards

EOA Awards, NOA Awards, CEE Awards, Stevie Awards – the list could go on. The outsourcing world does not lack industry analysts and annual prizes. You might have even seen a few sparkling trophies on your outsourcing partner’s shelf the last time you visited. But who organizes these award competitions and are they any good? Conectys as the winner of many awards for outsourcing As the proud recipient of [...]

April 11th, 2018|Tags: |

Pizza with the CEO? Why this Matters to Employee Job Satisfaction and our Internal Strategy

Recommendation of strategies to enhance job satisfaction in your company Think about all the frustrations that can come with hiring, managing, and retaining a group of people (your team members). If frustrations aren’t bad enough, high turnover and inadequate handling of your staff can cost your business in a big way. Case in point: One study found that the average cost of a single hiring error in 2017 was [...]

April 9th, 2018|Tags: |

Do you Need AI Products? Here’s How Humans are Supporting Tech-Driven Processes, and Not the Other Way Around

Artificial intelligence (A.I.). Natural language processing (NLP). Machine Learning. Chatbots. You can’t read the news without hearing about a new application for these tech tools, and none of us can escape the reality that automation and machines have a definite, large role in current and future businesses. It’s been reported that 80% of businesses surveyed already have some form of AI products in production in their organization, and that number will [...]

April 2nd, 2018|

Give Us Your Partnership, We’ll Give You Brand Ambassadors

Does the following scenario sound familiar?You’ve grown your business with all your heart, energy, and resources. You’ve handpicked your team, and intentionally established a company culture you’re proud of. But now you’re growing rapidly, and can’t handle the demand with the current staff you have. You’re wondering if you should consider outsourcing.If you can relate to this scenario, you might also relate to the feeling of fear that bubbles up [...]

March 26th, 2018|

Why Choosing a BPO Partner Based on Cost Reduction will Steer you Wrong

If you’re new to the world of outsourcing, you might be at square one, wondering: “what is BPO?” Or if you’ve dabbled with an outsourcing engagement in the past, you might think choosing a business processes outsourcing (BPO) partner is fairly straightforward. Check out the company website, determine if they seem qualified and then find out how much the services you need will cost. Whichever company can give you [...]

March 18th, 2018|

As we’ve Expanded around the Globe, Here’s how we’ve Retained our Strong Organizational Culture

If you’ve been keeping up with all we’ve been doing at Conectys, you’ve probably heard about how we’ve helped our clients grow notably - and how we have too. We’re all thrilled about this success, but like many of our clients, our main concern is keeping our culture strong through such growth. In the last year alone, we’ve added locations in IloIlo, Philippines as well as Dallas, Texas in the [...]

March 12th, 2018|

The Healthcare Company’s Guide to Combatting Seasonality Challenges

Through working with an array of clients across a spectrum of industries, we know all too well that every type of business deals with some seasonality in its sales. But few have as tough of an obstacle to overcome as medicare, which boils down to two words: open enrollment. This period of time usually starts in early November and ends in mid-December, and it’s the six weeks of the [...]

February 26th, 2018|Tags: |

CSAT and NPS: We’ve Used these Tools to Drive Customer Loyalty, and Can Do the Same For You

No matter what type of business you’re in, there’s no doubt that measuring your customers’ satisfaction is a key to improving and keeping those customers. But it can be hard to know where to start with data collection and analysis, so many companies don’t start trying until it has become overtly evident there is a customer satisfaction issue. Many of our customers have been in this boat, and we’ve [...]

February 19th, 2018|Tags: |

Consistency between your Brick and Mortar Store and E-Commerce Channels

If you’re the CEO of a quickly scaling company in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, you probably know quite a few secrets to business success. But if you’ve reached a point where it makes sense to set your sights on other countries, and consider a global strategy as your next growth strategy, where do you start? Let’s cover a few of the key takeaways. Not all markets are created [...]

February 12th, 2018|

Resolving Customer Complatins: How to Do It? Examples

Luxurious hotels. Sunny, lush grounds. Five-star restaurants with highly acclaimed chefs. So often, this is what comes to mind when someone thinks of the hospitality industry. And a lot of the time, these idyllic scenes are part of any tourism-related business owner’s day. But, there can also be a darker side within the hospitality industry that insiders know all too well… customer complaints. In any business, complaints are never [...]

February 5th, 2018|Tags: |

Company news

Over the years of being amongst the top providers of outsourced customer service and content moderation solutions, we have gathered many stories and insights.

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