Welcome to our company blog, dedicated to exploring the world of Customer Experience and Trust and Safety issues and insights.

Building trust in global businesses: 1-to-1
Trust is the root of everything in business. If a partner doesn’t trust you, that partnership will end. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but it’s ending soon. The level of trust in business - statistics The problem is, globally, the state of “trust” is fairly ambiguous. We talk about it often in speeches, on podcasts, and in leadership books and magazine articles, but, per a study of 9,800 full-time [...]
What do we mean when we say “co-creation?”
What is Co-creation? Our world at Conectys is about delivering outsourcing excellence around customer experience (CX) and user-generated content (UGC). We do this every day, grow at doing it, and are up to 10 global delivery centers, 24/7 coverage, and 35+ languages. We’ve been at it for 17 years. At that time, we can tell you that there are two essential models of any business partner, be it outsourcing [...]
Ways to reduce customer service response time
The need to reduce customer service response time is readily apparent, so we won’t belabor the importance too much. In short: if you keep customers waiting too long, they become frustrated -- and frustrated customers go elsewhere. Here’s probably the easiest way to think about it: when it takes Amazon 1 second (just one second) slower to load, they lose about $1.6 billion in a year. Now, maybe that’s [...]
Gaming content moderation: How to do it better
The primary challenge of gaming content moderation Katherine Cross, working on her Ph.D. at the University of Washington and a frequent commentator on gaming and online issues, has noted a few times that games are often marketed and sold as “consequence-free indulgence,” which is both true and completely reasonable. Gaming is often an escape. But then a challenge arises: what if the idea of “consequence-free indulgence” is extended to [...]
Ways to measure customer success at scale
How do you know you’re doing right by your customers? Customer experience metrics, customer success metrics, client satisfaction metrics, and more have exploded in the last five years. The gold standard is still NPS or Net Promoter Score. NPS was initially pioneered at Intuit and Sprint back in the early 2000s, and it’s only grown consistently since. We use it at Conectys; for 2019, we actually had a client [...]
What should you be looking for when selecting new locations for your business?
How to choose a good location for your business? This post is going to be about questions to ask before opening a new office in a new country or region, but we also realize this is an economically uncertain time for a lot of brands -- although admittedly not for user-generated content (UGC)-driven brands. So we do realize you are probably not thinking about expansion at this moment. But [...]
The solution to customer experience isn’t throwing more tech at it
You already know content moderation is very important. When we hit our targets, our clients hit their targets. And while it may seem awkward to talk about hitting targets during a period of global health uncertainty, the actual reality is that for many of us around the world being cooped up means more user-generated content (UGC). And if your platform contains, much less depends on UGC, what do you [...]
Cultivating joy in the global workplace
Why are we writing about joy in an economically-uncertain time? Because in a time that can be very gloom and doom, why not interject some positive thinking into the world? The reality is that, even in the best of economic times, a lot of global employees do not feel engaged by their work. Gallup’s chief workplace analyzer, a man named Jim Clifton, has referred to this as “The World’s Broken Workplace.” By his numbers, there [...]
There’s a global surge in user-generated content. What’s next?
Did you think we were going to discuss social distancing? Because of the coronavirus pandemic, and because a lot more people globally are working from home (we had to move about 2,000 people to work from home in just under nine days), there’s a massive surge in user-generated content. One factor is that common avenues of production, i.e. movies or television, are frozen right now -- you can’t have a big set [...]
How to Choose the Right Outsourcing Provider
So you have decided to invest in an outsourcing relationship. That is a great plan with the potential to yield results beyond your expectations. Of course, the natural next step would be to research outsourcing providers. But do you know what to look for, the marks of service quality and experience? And does the thought of talking with potential Business Process Outsourcing providers make you want to head to [...]