

Welcome to our company blog, dedicated to exploring the world of Customer Experience and Trust and Safety issues and insights.


Should you build your own chatbot?

You theoretically could, although without a proper development background, it’s very likely to be a long, time-consuming, potentially frustrating process. There are tutorials online to guide you, but typically a better approach is a third-party, outsourced chatbot solution. At Conectys, we partner with Google, which is designed to engage with your end-users. It’s very multi-faceted, including ES documentation. At the same time, it’s important to note that Conectys deeply believes [...]

October 20th, 2020|Tags: |

Where do chatbots have the biggest impact?

Let’s get deeper into their potential impact of chatbots In our last blog, we talked about thehumble beginnings of chatbots. Where we see chatbots most, and their impact One of the major areas you initially saw chatbots scale was recruiting and talent management functions. You can argue that bots shouldn’t necessarily be talking to candidates in the name of “candidate experience,” but bots are good [...]

October 15th, 2020|Tags: |

The humble beginnings of chatbots

Don’t worry, we’ll keep this a bit short, but it’s important to nerd out and know the basics and the arc of what happened with chatbots. The first-ever chatbot, presumably, was developed in 1966 at MIT by a professor named Joseph Weizenbaum. Said chatbot was named ELIZA, was actually rooted in some of Alan Turing’s work around The Turing Test, and the idea was that a computer program could [...]

October 12th, 2020|Tags: |

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

We are at the dawn of what some analysts call “The Fourth Industrial Revolution.” The World Economic Forum has defined this as different from The Third Industrial Revolution - that’s what many people believe we are currently in - because of scope, velocity, and systems. In short, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is about the possibilities of billions of people connected by mobile devices, with unprecedented processing power, storage capacity, [...]

September 30th, 2020|Tags: |

COVID and the doubling-down on flexibility and speed in B2B partnerships

The biggest transformation we’ve seen since mid-March is the need for flexibility and speed in customer interactions. We need partners and customer experience processes that can adapt quickly, creatively, and with elasticity. Easier said than done, though. Let's talk solutions! How do you translate that to your partner selection criteria and process? Some key things to look for: Strength and speed [...]

September 25th, 2020|

Five major shifts in customer experience because of COVID

We’re entering a nearly-Golden Age of customer experience, and in reality, a lot of the trends we were already seeing are just being accelerated now. What are some of those? 5 major shifts in customer experience Contactless payments In the USA, contactless payments have grown by 20%+ since the start of COVID. BFSI -- Banking, Financial Services, Insurance -- sector is the biggest consumer of IT services. It has [...]

September 24th, 2020|Tags: |

COVID and the acceleration of customer experience trends

If you sat quietly for 15 minutes and tried to figure out all the different ways that COVID-19 impacted customer experience, you’d probably come to a list something like this: Focus on safety Caring for customers Acceleration of digital services More e-commerce A re-imaging of brick and mortar Downsizing, cost concerns, automation possibilities A renewed focus on different types of connections Let's talk solutions! [...]

September 18th, 2020|

RPA Projects: How long until implementation, and who is involved?

Start here, with two previous posts on the topic: What types of projects are good for RPA? When RPA projects fail, why does that happen? OK. Now let’s talk about timelines and people Let's talk solutions! How long do these projects take to implement? This is the million-dollar question, and the answer does vary by a host of factors, including your [...]

September 10th, 2020|

The mutating outsourcing contract

Outsourcing buyers are looking to gain access to some of the advantages of outsourcing in a more accentuated and formalized format: through the contract. Some of the trends in outsourcing contracts we are seeing are: Agility, and the need for speed and flexibility: Injecting targets for fast up and downscaling of operations, for flexibly reallocating staff to other client tasks or other clients. Security: Since WfH is no longer [...]

September 4th, 2020|Tags: |

Why Do RPA Projects Fail? 5 Reasons. Internal Knowledge

Last week, we wrote about the best processes to consider for Robotic Process Automation (RPA) projects. We are currently working on RPA projects internally; the rollout to clients will come down the road, so while we have internal knowledge, we’re presenting some of this external work at a 35,000-foot level. Today, we wanted to discuss the flip side of best processes: namely, what makes RPA projects fail? There tend [...]

August 28th, 2020|Tags: |

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